Student Life
Find information on daily bell schedules, programs and activities at Dunstan Middle School
Dunstan’s current schedule allows students to be with their “homeroom” teacher or case manager at the start of every single day. This is beneficial for a variety of reasons:
- It allows students an opportunity to build a relationship with an adult in the building.
- The benefits of relationship building through consistent connections during Advise with staff and peers is a core belief behind why Advisement time is so important.
- It provides consistency and routine for staff and students, which helps lessen unnecessary stress and anxiety.
- The benefits of building trust with an adult and peers who you see daily are key to making sure the focus can be on academics.
- Lessons done each week are done school-wide during Advisement, ensuring a systemic message throughout the entire school.
- Shared experiences and messaging ensures that staff and students are on the same page allowing us to make the most out of each minute we have together.
Get information about Dunstan athletics, including sports offered and how to sign up.
Bell Schedule
Access the Dunstan daily bell schedule.
Bus Routes
Find information on bus routes and transportation services for Dunstan students.
Clubs & Activities
Learn about the clubs and activities offered at Dunstan.
Get contact information for Dunstan faculty and staff.
Jeffco families can access school meal menus using SchoolCafé.