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Community Partners

Lockheed Martin

Mr. Minard continues to partner with Lockheed Martin. Together, they provide true project-based learning opportunities for students in the Pre-Engineering classes offered here at Dunstan.

Lockheed Martin Logo

Lakewood Cultural Center

Mrs. Miller is partnering with the LLC to design and install a mural at the front of the school.  LLC also works with Mrs. Bridges and our World Languages and Cultures classes.

Lakewood Cultural Center

Off-Site Learning Experiences

Dunstan's Explore classes take a variety of off-site trips to places around the Denver Metro area.  This includes but is not limited to Channel 7 News, Google, & the Denver Center For the Performing Arts.

Denver Metro

Lakewood Police Department

Jeffco Pubilc Schools and the City of Lakewood Police Department have partnered together to make School Resource Officers (SROs) available to its schools and the communities they serve.  Officer Bleak ("It's pronounced like Steak") works hard to build positive and trusting relationships between law enforcement and students.  

Agent Bleak was awarded the “Gordon Beesley School Resource Officer of the Year” award from Jeffco Public Schools - Colorado Department of School Safety! She received this award due to her dedicated service to Jeffco Schools, and for her partnership with the Dept. of School Safety.

Officer Bleak